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    《华尔街风云》 查尔斯:一场无避险之赌

    2008-10-13 18:51


    2008年10月13日17:31  来源:  



      查尔斯•吉斯特(Charles Geisst)是《华尔街史》(Wall Street: A History ,Oxford University Press, 1997)、《华尔街投资银行史:华尔街金融王朝的秘密》(The Last Partnerships: Inside the Great Wall Street Money Dynasties , McGraw Hill, 2001)、《美国垄断史——帝国的缔造者和他们的敌人(从杰伊•古尔德到比尔•盖茨)》(Monopolies in America: Empire Builders and Their Enemies from Jay Gould to Bill Gates, Oxford University Press, 2000)等17部著作的作者。他也是《美国商业史大百科全书》(Facts On File,2005)的编辑和主要撰稿人。



      正文(本文系和讯网《华尔街风云》专栏特约文章) :













      An Unhedged Bet

      There is a movie made in the US in 1972 called The Candidate, starring Robert Redford. In it, a young candidate finally wins a US Senate seat after a particularly nasty campaign battle. When he is informed he won, the candidate naively asks, “What do we do now?”

      The same question is being asked in the financial markets these days. Every day it seems there is a new answer and every day the markets seem to shrug it off. After the nationalization of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, AIG, and the collapse of Lehman Brothers, almost no one was prepared for the total paralysis of the credit markets and the volatility in the stock markets that followed. The nasty battle in Congress over the $700 billion intervention plan did not help nor did the Federal Reserve's announcement that it would begin buying commercial paper. It seemed that US authorities were running out of possible solutions to the problem.

      Six months ago there was no consensus in the U.S. that a recession was imminent. Today, another depression is being discussed as if it were inevitable. The swing in mood is best evident in the stock market where daily swings in the indices rival the total index measure in 1929. As hedge funds move funds around the globe with impunity a small country, Iceland, is on the verge of financial collapse partially because of their actions. The central banks have actually acted in a concerted fashion to lower interest rates for the first time since their dramatic intervention on behalf of the dollar in 1987.

      This last phenomenon may give some indication of how to act in the future. While the credit markets ignored the central banks' actions on the day they were announced, they may yet come to realize that this concerted effort is in everyone's best interest. For years, especially since the fall of the Soviet Union, the term “globalization” has been bandied about. The world's markets are now joined in ways unimaginable before and the world is moving closer to one large market. While this is still nothing more than a dream for many manufacturers and service providers, it is much closer to the truth in finance. The world has shrunk considerably in the last 15 years, for better or worse.

      Hedge funds are now able to move money between financial centers with ease. Money borrowed in one national currency can easily be employed using leverage in another market, in many cases with less transaction costs than in the past. Even individuals have gotten in on the deal. Home buyers in Iceland or Romania have been able to borrow yen in order to finance their purchases while hedge funds do much the same carry trade on a much larger scale. Yen interest rates have become important not only to Japan or the LIBOR market but to a much wider array of investors than ever before. The financial world has shrunk in size to a point where ignoring international warning signs of calamity can be seriously injurious to financial health.

      All of these signs are pointing to an increasingly negative outlook for the world economy. Unfortunately, the amount of leverage on corporate and bank balance sheets has been accompanied by similar leverage in household balance sheets in the United States. If the size of the stock market drops and the intra-day volatility are any indication, a recession is not the main worry – a depression is. This idea is less repugnant than it was only a month ago. The credit market and the banks steadfastly refuse to loan funds to each other or to anyone else for that matter. For societies built on credit and leverage, this is disastrous. Even if the whole problem disappeared tomorrow, it would take years to wean consumers and companies away from their profligate borrowing habits of the past.

      Stock market volatility over the past two weeks suggests that the markets are finally looking for guidance from a higher authority. This is a sign of capitulation because markets have always been boastful that they are the leading economic indicator in advanced societies, disdainful of government interference in the way they make money. But now even the hint of G-7 intervention of any sort gives the markets heart because the idea of future direction has been lost totally.

      When the current crisis comes into clearer focus, it is evident that old market practices and attitudes toward ding business will have to change. For the last 30 years, government regulators have acted as part-time traffic policemen content to direct Wall Street only when it actually suited the Street. In 2004, the Securities and Exchange Commission succumbed to a request from the top investment banks to loosen their capital requirements so that they could deploy the freed capital into the risky mortgage securitization business. The results were disastrous for all concerned, including the SEC which has seen its image as a cop on the corner tarnished permanently.

      The current problem at hand will need more than simply a concentrated policy discussion. Some difficult choices are inevitable. If the G-7 agrees to recapitalize banks with direct equity infusions, they will also need to prevent the movement of hot money from offsetting their good intentions. There would be little point in allowing Britain to nationalize its banks while allowing the US to travel down a different path. The flow of funds into Britain as a result could create another Icelandic type problem. The hedge funds may complain that this infringes on their right to invest where they choose but if they are able to offset policy decisions made in times of emergency then their right to transfer money should be restrained by temporary capital controls.

      Despite the benefits of globalization, the ease of access to many national financial markets by hedge funds has created problems unforeseen two years ago. Investing for the short-term using billions of borrowed money creates disturbances in financial systems never anticipated. When thousands of depositors in Britain are on the verge on losing their money in the UK branches of Icelandic banks and the Icelandic government is not quite sure how to reimburse them, it is time to ask how we got to this ludicrous position. If the borders need protection from the hedge funds, it is time to erect them.

      The stock markets will not like this because they depend for so much of their livelihood on prime brokerage from the funds. Until regulators and finance ministers realize that the current problem is as much a strategic one as a financial one, the current proposed solutions will not work well. Unfortunately, incomplete solutions have not impressed the stock markets. The more complete solution will impress them even less. 

    【作者:查尔斯 来源:和讯网

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